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#1 22 Jan 2020 21:46:56

François Marthaler
Lieu: Prilly
Date d'inscription: 07 Sep 2013
Messages: 2978
Site web

[Résolu] Installation de VaudTax 2019 sur Ubuntu 18.04

Pour les déclarations simples, on peut utiliser Vaudtax 2.0, qui est la déclaration en ligne (ne nécessite pas d'installer VaudTax sur son ordinateur).

VaudTax 2.0 n’est pas disponible pour les indépendants, les propriétaires d’immeubles, les détenteurs de titres. Elle ne permet pas de déduire les frais de garde, les frais médicaux et dentaires, frais liés à un handicap, les dettes.

Pour savoir si VaudTax 2.0 est adapté à votre situation, un bref questionnaire permet de vous guider.

Dans le cas où vous ne remplissez pas les conditions, vous êtes automatiquement redirigé-e vers le logiciel VaudTax 2019.

Vers la page VaudTax 2.0.

En suivant les instructions fournies dans la discussion Installation de VaudTax 2019 sur Ubuntu 16.04, l'installation sur Ubuntu 18.04 est un peu plus rapide.

Il n'est notamment pas nécessaire d'installer libwebkitgtk-1.0-0  et openjdk-8-jre qui préexistent.

laptop why! NV41MZ, Intel Core i7-1165G7, RAM 16 Gb, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Hors ligne


#2 22 Jan 2020 21:49:58

François Marthaler
Lieu: Prilly
Date d'inscription: 07 Sep 2013
Messages: 2978
Site web

Re: [Résolu] Installation de VaudTax 2019 sur Ubuntu 18.04

Quel que soit l'ordinateur why!, il faut TÉLÉCHARGER VAUDTAX POUR LINUX 64 BITS (depuis … dtax-2019/), car nous n'avons jamais vendu de machines 32 BITS.

Lors du téléchargement, il suffit de répondre Ouvrir avec: Gestionnaire d'archives:

En cliquant sur le bouton Extraire du gestionnaire d'archives, le dossier contenant l'exécutable (programme VaudTax2019) va se mettre automatiquement dans votre Dossier personnel.

Pour donner les droits d'exécution du programme, il faut aller dans les Préférences du navigateur de fichiers via le menu déroulant tout en haut à gauche de l'écran Fichiers:éférences_navigateur_fichiers.png

puis, dans l'onglet Comportement, cocher Les lancer dans Fichiers texte exécutables:

Cela fait, il suffit d'aller dans le dossier VaudTax_2019-1.0.2-production-64bit et de double-cliquer sur l'exécutable et vaudtax-2019 démarre. Cela va créer, toujours dans votre Dossier personnel, un répertoire VaudTax2019, comme illustré ci-dessous.

Pour importer vos données personnelles depuis votre précédente déclaration, il vous suffit de cliquer sur le bouton Importer (flèche bleue):

Pour autant que vous ayez laissé VaudTax2018 dans votre Dossier personnel, il ira automatiquement y rechercher votre fichier .tax de 2018 (sinon, il vous faudra naviguer dans les fichiers pour le retrouver). Cela fait, en tapant [Ctrl]+[S] (ou en cliquant sur l'icône de la disquette), les données importées seront stockées dans le dossier tax de VaudTax2019.

Pour ma part, j'ai pris l'habitude de mettre aussi le programme VaudTax_2019-1.0.2-production-64bit dans mon Dossier personnel où sont ainsi regroupées toutes mes informations VaudTax.

laptop why! NV41MZ, Intel Core i7-1165G7, RAM 16 Gb, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Hors ligne


#3 05 Feb 2020 16:37:22

François Marthaler
Lieu: Prilly
Date d'inscription: 07 Sep 2013
Messages: 2978
Site web

Re: [Résolu] Installation de VaudTax 2019 sur Ubuntu 18.04

Un client qui a un ultraportable why! N131ZU a scrupuleusement suivi les indications ci-dessus. Finalement, VaudTax2019 se lance, va vérifier spontanément qu'il n'existe pas de nouvelle mise à jour, puis ouvre une fenêtre pop up pour signaler que le logiciel est à jour.

Mais, lorsqu'on clique sur le bouton de validation, l'application quitte instantanément, ce qui génère un rapport de log:


reg@reg-WHY:~/VaudTax_2019-1.0.2-production-64bit$ ./vaudtax-2019 
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:00 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher main
INFOS: Lib-update starting on Linux amd64. targetDir: /home/reg/VaudTax_2019-1.0.2-production-64bit userHome: /home/reg runElevated: false bootstrapUpdate: false appArgs: []
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:00 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher main
INFOS: Target application VaudTax 2019 1.0
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:00 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher processUpdates
PRÉCIS: Checking directory /home/reg/VaudTax2019/version_update_complete for updates
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:00 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher processUpdates
INFOS: No update to apply: /home/reg/VaudTax2019/version_update_complete
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:00 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher main
INFOS: Proceeding with normal startup.
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:00 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher prepareClasspath
PRÉCIS: Added /home/reg/VaudTax_2019-1.0.2-production-64bit/lib/vaudtax-2019.jar (version: 2019-1.0.2) to classpath with 1th level classpath entries: ./dvbtax-common-cd.jar(version: 13.21) ./dvbern-lib-update.jar(version: 2.9.5) ./jaxb-api.jar(version: na) ./jsr173_api.jar(version: na) ./jaxb-impl.jar(version: ./activation.jar(version: 1.1.1) ./cryptutil.jar(version: 1.0.4) ./dvbern-lib-construct.jar(version: 2.0.0) ./jsr305.jar(version: na) ./commons-codec.jar(version: 1.6) ./proxy-vole.jar(version: 20121203) ./org.eclipse.jface.jar(version: na) ./org.eclipse.equinox.common.jar(version: na) ./org.eclipse.core.commands.jar(version: na) ./lucene.jar(version: na) ./jdom.jar(version: na) ./annotations.jar(version: na) ./weld-se-core.jar(version: 2.4.8.Final) ./weld-environment-common.jar(version: 2.4.8.Final) ./weld-core-impl.jar(version: 2.4.8.Final) ./weld-api.jar(version: 2.4.SP2) ./weld-spi.jar(version: 2.4.SP2) ./jboss-el-api_3.0_spec.jar(version: 1.0.0.Alpha1) ./jboss-interceptors-api_1.2_spec.jar(version: 1.0.0.Final) ./jboss-logging.jar(version: 3.2.1.Final) ./weld-probe-core.jar(version: 2.4.8.Final) ./cdi-api.jar(version: 20140411-1123) ./javax.inject.jar(version: na) ./jboss-annotations-api_1.2_spec.jar(version: 1.0.0.Final) ./jboss-classfilewriter.jar(version: 1.1.2.Final) ./dvbtax-common-shared.jar(version: 13.21) ./dvbern-lib-pdf-forms.jar(version: 3.0) ./jul-to-slf4j.jar(version: 1.7.9) ./commons-collections4.jar(version: 4.1) ./openpdf.jar(version: na) ./juniversalchardet.jar(version: 2.3.0) ./bcprov-jdk15on.jar(version: 1.60.0) ./bcpkix-jdk15on.jar(version: ./simple-java-mail.jar(version: na) ./mail.jar(version: 1.4.1) ./checker-qual.jar(version: na) ./commons-collections.jar(version: 3.2.2) ./commons-text.jar(version: 1.3) ./commons-configuration.jar(version: 1.9) ./iban.jar(version: na) ./commons-lang.jar(version: 2.6) ./jamon.jar(version: na) ./dvbern-lib-datatypes.jar(version: 0.0.5) ./annotations.jar(version: na) ./slf4j-api.jar(version: 1.7.7) ./log4j-over-slf4j.jar(version: 1.7.7) ./jcl-over-slf4j.jar(version: 1.7.7) ./logback-classic.jar(version: na) ./logback-core.jar(version: na) ./commons-io.jar(version: 2.4) ./commons-lang3.jar(version: 3.3.2) ./httpcore.jar(version: 4.4.1) ./httpclient.jar(version: 4.4.1) ./httpmime.jar(version: 4.4.1) ./javax.json.jar(version: 1.0.4) ./pdfbox.jar(version: 2.0.15) ./fontbox.jar(version: 2.0.15) ./commons-logging.jar(version: 1.2) ./swt-gtk-linux-x86_64.jar(/home/reg/VaudTax_2019-1.0.2-production-64bit/lib/./swt-gtk-linux-x86_64.jar (Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type)) ./swt-gtk-linux-x86.jar(/home/reg/VaudTax_2019-1.0.2-production-64bit/lib/./swt-gtk-linux-x86.jar (Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type)) 
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:00 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher prepareClasspath
PRÉCIS: Added /home/reg/VaudTax_2019-1.0.2-production-64bit/lib/native/swt_64.jar (version: na) to classpath
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:01 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher launchApplication
INFOS: Invoking target application now: with args []
108  [main] INFO - properties loaded from: /home/reg/VaudTax_2019-1.0.2-production-64bit/config/cd/

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.289: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.289: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.289: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.289: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.331: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.331: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.333: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.333: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.334: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.334: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.360: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.360: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.385: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.385: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.390: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.390: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.391: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.391: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.422: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.422: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.423: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.423: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.424: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.424: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.443: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed

(SWT:3259): GLib-CRITICAL **: 15:18:01.443: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed
526  [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.i.c.ApplicationConfigProvider - Querying application config provider
527  [main] INFO  c.d.t.c.i.conf.ApplicationConfig - Loaded configuration instance:
533  [main] INFO - Application is starting.
533  [main] DEBUG - System infos: 
Operating System: Linux 5.3.0-28-generic
JVM Name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
JVM Vendor: Azul Systems, Inc.
JVM Version: 25.202-b05
SWT Version: 4924-gtk
Java Home: /home/reg/VaudTax_2019-1.0.2-production-64bit/jre
Default Timezone: Europe/Zurich
Default Locale: fr_CH
Classpath: lib/dvbern-lib-update.jar
562  [main] INFO  org.jboss.weld.Version - WELD-000900: 2.4.8 (Final)
681  [main] INFO  org.jboss.weld.Bootstrap - WELD-000101: Transactional services not available. Injection of @Inject UserTransaction not available. Transactional observers will be invoked synchronously.
923  [weld-worker-5] INFO  org.jboss.weld.Bootstrap - WELD-000119: Not generating any bean definitions from because of underlying class loading error: Type javax.persistence.EntityManager not found.  If this is unexpected, enable DEBUG logging to see the full error.
1022 [weld-worker-5] INFO  org.jboss.weld.Bootstrap - WELD-000119: Not generating any bean definitions from because of underlying class loading error: Type javax.persistence.EntityManager not found.  If this is unexpected, enable DEBUG logging to see the full error.
1045 [weld-worker-1] INFO  org.jboss.weld.Bootstrap - WELD-000119: Not generating any bean definitions from because of underlying class loading error: Type javax.persistence.EntityManager not found.  If this is unexpected, enable DEBUG logging to see the full error.
1118 [weld-worker-6] INFO  org.jboss.weld.Bootstrap - WELD-000119: Not generating any bean definitions from because of underlying class loading error: Type javax.persistence.EntityManager not found.  If this is unexpected, enable DEBUG logging to see the full error.
1439 [main] INFO  org.jboss.weld.Bootstrap - WELD-ENV-002003: Weld SE container 73bcf926-1173-466b-b446-33082f01c6af initialized
1481 [main] INFO - Applying proxy configuration from saved settings: ProxyConfig[proxyEnabled=false,systemSettingsEnabled=false,host=,port=80]
2388 [main] WARN  c.d.t.c.e.calcitems.ValueIfTrue - ValueIfTrue is deprecated use IfThenElse instead
2410 [main] WARN  c.d.t.c.e.calcitems.ValuesIfTrue - ValuesIfTrue is deprecated use IfThenElse instead
2417 [main] WARN  c.d.t.c.e.calcitems.ValueIfEqual - ValueIfEqual is deprecated use IfThenElse instead
2425 [main] WARN  c.d.t.c.e.calcitems.ValuesIfEqual - ValuesIfEqual is deprecated use IfThenElse instead
2582 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/link.cmd,, dmk=null, dmkValue=null, target=independant_avec_compta.pdf, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2583 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/link.cmd,, dmk=null, dmkValue=null, target=independant_sans_compta.pdf, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2583 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/link.cmd,, dmk=null, dmkValue=null, target=independant_avec_compta.pdf, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2583 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/link.cmd,, dmk=null, dmkValue=null, target=independant_sans_compta.pdf, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2597 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/open.url.cmd,, dmk=, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2598 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/open.url.cmd,, dmk=, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2599 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/link.cmd, name=label.titre.participation.bouton.comptedistinct, dmk=null, dmkValue=null, target=compte_distinct.pdf, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null, tooltip=label.titre.participation.bouton.comptedistinct
2599 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/open.url.cmd,, dmk=, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2600 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/open.url.cmd,, dmk=, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2601 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/open.url.cmd,, dmk=, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2602 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/open.url.cmd,, dmk=, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2603 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/open.url.cmd, name=label.titre.da1.avoir.taux.button, dmk=, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null, tooltip=label.titre.da1.avoir.taux.button
2604 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/open.url.cmd,, dmk=, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2604 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/open.url.cmd, name=label.titre.da1.action.taux.button, dmk=, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null, tooltip=label.titre.da1.action.taux.button
2605 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/open.url.cmd,, dmk=, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2605 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/open.url.cmd, name=label.titre.da1.obligation.da1.recapitulation.taux.button, dmk=, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null, tooltip=label.titre.da1.obligation.da1.recapitulation.taux.button
2609 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/link.cmd,, dmk=null, dmkValue=null, target=Declaration_prestations_en_capital.pdf, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2611 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/open.url.cmd,, dmk=, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null,
2612 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/envoi.cmd, name=label.button.envoi, dmk=null, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null, tooltip=label.button.envoi
2612 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/printCopy.cmd, name=label.button.printCopie, dmk=null, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null, tooltip=label.button.printCopie
2612 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/print.cmd, name=label.button.print, dmk=null, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null, tooltip=label.button.print
2612 [main] DEBUG c.d.t.c.e.w.items.Button - BUTTON: uri=/printCopy.cmd, name=label.button.printCopie, dmk=null, dmkValue=null, target=null, reRender=, viewID: null, styleClass=null, tooltip=label.button.printCopie
2710 [main] WARN  c.d.t.c.e.ExpertUpdatePreprocessor - more than one preselection item for Recapitulation.Acomptes
2804 [main] INFO - Loaded Session class:
2824 [main] DEBUG - No custom application icon path defined
2824 [main] INFO - Using default application icon source
SWT Error: Could not find webkit extension. BrowserFunction functionality will not be available. 
(swt version: 4924r25) SWT Glue code version: 54.0 info: +BrowserFunction/GDBus, +WebkitExtension Folder versioning, +WebKitExtension OSGI support, +setUrl(..postData..), -setCookie(), -getCookie +mouseDown/Focus
WebKit2Gtk version 2.26.3
Please report this issue *with steps to reproduce* via:
For bug report, please atatch this stack trace:
    at org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebKit.getStackTrace(
    at org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebKit.getInternalErrorMsg(
    at org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebKit.access$200(
    at org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebKit$Webkit2Extension.initializeWebExtensions_callback(
    at org.eclipse.swt.internal.webkit.WebKitGTK._webkit_web_view_load_uri(Native Method)
    at org.eclipse.swt.internal.webkit.WebKitGTK.webkit_web_view_load_uri(
    at org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebKit.setUrl(
    at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.setUrl(
    at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.setUrl(
    at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.create(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runAsyncMessages(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher.launchApplication(
    at ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher.main(

(SWT:3259): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:18:04.136: Negative content width -4 (allocation 2, extents 3x3) while allocating gadget (node progressbar, owner GtkProgressBar)

(SWT:3259): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:18:04.136: Negative content width -2 (allocation 0, extents 1x1) while allocating gadget (node trough, owner GtkProgressBar)

(SWT:3259): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:18:04.136: Negative content width -4 (allocation 2, extents 3x3) while allocating gadget (node progressbar, owner GtkProgressBar)

(SWT:3259): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:18:04.137: Negative content width -2 (allocation 0, extents 1x1) while allocating gadget (node trough, owner GtkProgressBar)

(SWT:3259): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:18:04.137: Negative content width -4 (allocation 2, extents 3x3) while allocating gadget (node progressbar, owner GtkProgressBar)

(SWT:3259): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:18:04.137: Negative content width -2 (allocation 0, extents 1x1) while allocating gadget (node trough, owner GtkProgressBar)

(SWT:3259): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:18:04.137: Negative content width -4 (allocation 2, extents 3x3) while allocating gadget (node progressbar, owner GtkProgressBar)

(SWT:3259): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:18:04.137: Negative content width -2 (allocation 0, extents 1x1) while allocating gadget (node trough, owner GtkProgressBar)
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:04 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.type.UpdateConfig getFileStream
INFOS: downloading:
3675 [main] ERROR - Failed to reset end-of-subjection flag in DOM, assume unset.
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:05 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.UpdateManager isUpdateAvailable
INFOS: An update is available, current: 1.0, target: 1.1
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:05 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.UpdateManager isUpdateAvailable
INFOS: An update is available, current: 1.0, target: 1.1
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:05 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.OsUtil tryLockInternal
PRÉCIS: Try acquirring lock for /home/reg/VaudTax2019/update.lck
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:05 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.OsUtil tryLockInternal
INFOS: Lock acquired for /home/reg/VaudTax2019/update.lck
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:05 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.type.UpdateConfig getFileStream
INFOS: downloading:
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:05 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.type.UpdateConfig getFileStream
INFOS: downloading:
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:05 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.type.UpdateConfig getFileStream
INFOS: downloading:
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:06 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.type.UpdateConfig getFileStream
INFOS: downloading:
févr. 05, 2020 3:18:06 PM ch.dvbern.lib.update.type.UpdateConfig getFileStream
INFOS: downloading:
9790 [Thread-2] DEBUG - Shutting down weld
9796 [Thread-1] INFO  org.jboss.weld.Bootstrap - WELD-ENV-002001: Weld SE container 73bcf926-1173-466b-b446-33082f01c6af shut down
Weld SE container 73bcf926-1173-466b-b446-33082f01c6af shut down by shutdown hook
9798 [Thread-2] ERROR - Uncaught exception => Thread[Thread-2,5,main]
java.lang.IllegalStateException: WELD-ENV-002002: Weld SE container 73bcf926-1173-466b-b446-33082f01c6af was already shut down

ou encore:


# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f5938174a30, pid=3163, tid=0x00007f59c8928700
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu (8.0_202-b05) (build 1.8.0_202-b05)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.202-b05 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C  []  gdk_display_manager_get_default_display+0x0
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------

Current thread (0x00007f59c000b000):  JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_native, id=3164, stack(0x00007f59c8829000,0x00007f59c8929000)]

siginfo: si_signo: 11 (SIGSEGV), si_code: 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), si_addr: 0x0000000000000018

RAX=0x0000000000000000, RBX=0x00007f5938a08e70, RCX=0x0000000000000000, RDX=0x00007f59c00008d0
RSP=0x00007f59c89256b8, RBP=0x00007f59c8925710, RSI=0x0000000000000000, RDI=0x0000000000000000
R8 =0x0000000000000000, R9 =0x00007f597edf0e97, R10=0x00000000ffffffe2, R11=0x0000000000000000
R12=0x0000000000000000, R13=0x00007f5938a08e70, R14=0x00007f59c8925728, R15=0x00007f59c000b000
RIP=0x00007f5938174a30, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010206, CSGSFS=0x002b000000000033, ERR=0x0000000000000004

Top of Stack: (sp=0x00007f59c89256b8)
0x00007f59c89256b8:   00007f5938472053 00007f59c000b000
0x00007f59c89256c8:   00007f59b1018407 00007f59c89256d0
0x00007f59c89256d8:   00007f5938a08e70 00007f59c8925728
0x00007f59c89256e8:   00007f5938a19a98 0000000000000000
0x00007f59c89256f8:   00007f5938a08e70 0000000000000000
0x00007f59c8925708:   00007f59c8925730 00007f59c8925770
0x00007f59c8925718:   00007f59b1007b10 00000007195c19b0
0x00007f59c8925728:   00007f59b1011a57 00007f59c8925730
0x00007f59c8925738:   00007f5938a08f0f 00007f59c8925790
0x00007f59c8925748:   00007f5938a19a98 0000000000000000
0x00007f59c8925758:   00007f5938a08f40 00007f59c8925730
0x00007f59c8925768:   00007f59c8925798 00007f59c89257d8
0x00007f59c8925778:   00007f59b1007b10 0000000000000000
0x00007f59c8925788:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00007f59c8925798:   00007f59c8925798 00007f5938978c1e
0x00007f59c89257a8:   00007f59c89257e0 00007f593899d028
0x00007f59c89257b8:   0000000000000000 00007f5938978c38
0x00007f59c89257c8:   00007f59c8925798 00007f59c89257e8
0x00007f59c89257d8:   00007f59c8925828 00007f59b10077d0
0x00007f59c89257e8:   00007f59c89257e8 00007f5938998abd
0x00007f59c89257f8:   00007f59c89258a8 00007f593899d028
0x00007f59c8925808:   0000000000000000 00007f5938998d38
0x00007f59c8925818:   00007f59c89257e8 00007f59c89258b0
0x00007f59c8925828:   00007f59c8925910 00007f59b10004e7
0x00007f59c8925838:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00007f59c8925848:   00000005cbc00030 0000000000000000
0x00007f59c8925858:   0000000000000000 000000071951cbb8
0x00007f59c8925868:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00007f59c8925878:   000000071951cb30 00007f5900000000
0x00007f59c8925888:   0000000000000000 000000071951ca58
0x00007f59c8925898:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00007f59c89258a8:   000000071951c998 00007f5900001fa0 

Instructions: (pc=0x00007f5938174a30)
0x00007f5938174a10:   e8 bb 3c ff ff 48 89 05 cc f0 2b 00 48 83 c4 08
0x00007f5938174a20:   c3 0f 1f 44 00 00 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00
0x00007f5938174a30:   48 8b 47 18 c3 90 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00
0x00007f5938174a40:   83 fe 01 41 54 55 53 74 77 48 8b 07 48 89 cd 89 

Register to memory mapping:

RAX=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
RBX={method} {0x00007f5938a08e70} '_gdk_display_get_default' '()J' in 'org/eclipse/swt/internal/gtk/GDK'
RCX=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
RDX=0x00007f59c00008d0 is an unknown value
RSP=0x00007f59c89256b8 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f59c000b000
RBP=0x00007f59c8925710 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f59c000b000
RSI=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
RDI=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R8 =0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R9 =0x00007f597edf0e97: <offset 0x9ee97> in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ at 0x00007f597ed52000
R10=0x00000000ffffffe2 is an unknown value
R11=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R12=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R13={method} {0x00007f5938a08e70} '_gdk_display_get_default' '()J' in 'org/eclipse/swt/internal/gtk/GDK'
R14=0x00007f59c8925728 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f59c000b000
R15=0x00007f59c000b000 is a thread

Stack: [0x00007f59c8829000,0x00007f59c8929000],  sp=0x00007f59c89256b8,  free space=1009k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C  []  gdk_display_manager_get_default_display+0x0
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.GDK.gdk_display_get_default()J+7
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS.isX11()Z+6
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS.<clinit>()V+2005
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V  []  JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*, JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x108b
V  []  InstanceKlass::call_class_initializer_impl(instanceKlassHandle, Thread*)+0xed
V  []  InstanceKlass::initialize_impl(instanceKlassHandle, Thread*)+0x39d
V  []  InstanceKlass::initialize(Thread*)+0x41
V  []  LinkResolver::resolve_static_call(CallInfo&, KlassHandle&, Symbol*, Symbol*, KlassHandle, bool, bool, Thread*)+0x230
V  []  LinkResolver::resolve_invokestatic(CallInfo&, constantPoolHandle, int, Thread*)+0x261
V  []  LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(CallInfo&, Handle, constantPoolHandle, int, Bytecodes::Code, Thread*)+0x388
V  []  InterpreterRuntime::resolve_invoke(JavaThread*, Bytecodes::Code)+0x1bd
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs([CZ)[B+15
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(Ljava/lang/String;Z)[B+19
j  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.<clinit>()V+32
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V  []  JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*, JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x108b
V  []  InstanceKlass::call_class_initializer_impl(instanceKlassHandle, Thread*)+0xed
V  []  InstanceKlass::initialize_impl(instanceKlassHandle, Thread*)+0x39d
V  []  InstanceKlass::initialize(Thread*)+0x41
V  []  LinkResolver::resolve_static_call(CallInfo&, KlassHandle&, Symbol*, Symbol*, KlassHandle, bool, bool, Thread*)+0x230
V  []  LinkResolver::resolve_invokestatic(CallInfo&, constantPoolHandle, int, Thread*)+0x261
V  []  LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(CallInfo&, Handle, constantPoolHandle, int, Bytecodes::Code, Thread*)+0x388
V  []  InterpreterRuntime::resolve_invoke(JavaThread*, Bytecodes::Code)+0x1bd
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V  []  JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*, JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x108b
V  []  Reflection::invoke(instanceKlassHandle, methodHandle, Handle, bool, objArrayHandle, BasicType, objArrayHandle, bool, Thread*)+0x572
V  []  Reflection::invoke_method(oopDesc*, Handle, objArrayHandle, Thread*)+0x14d
V  []  JVM_InvokeMethod+0x27e
j  sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+0
j  sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+100
j  sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+6
j  java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+56
j  ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher.launchApplication(Ljava/io/File;[Ljava/lang/String;Lch/dvbern/lib/update/xjc/VersionConfig;)V+133
j  ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+671
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V  []  JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*, JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x108b
V  []  jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv_*, JavaValue*, _jobject*, JNICallType, _jmethodID*, JNI_ArgumentPusher*, Thread*)+0x338
V  []  jni_CallStaticVoidMethod+0x17f
C  []  JavaMain+0x604
C  []  start_thread+0xdb

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.GDK._gdk_display_get_default()J+0
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.GDK.gdk_display_get_default()J+7
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS.isX11()Z+6
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS.<clinit>()V+2005
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs([CZ)[B+15
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(Ljava/lang/String;Z)[B+19
j  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.<clinit>()V+32
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
j  sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+0
j  sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+100
j  sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+6
j  java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+56
j  ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher.launchApplication(Ljava/io/File;[Ljava/lang/String;Lch/dvbern/lib/update/xjc/VersionConfig;)V+133
j  ch.dvbern.lib.update.Launcher.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+671
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub

---------------  P R O C E S S  ---------------

Java Threads: ( => current thread )
  0x00007f59c0dbe000 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_blocked, id=3191, stack(0x00007f594558f000,0x00007f5945690000)]
  0x00007f59c0d9f000 JavaThread "AWT-Shutdown" [_thread_blocked, id=3190, stack(0x00007f5945690000,0x00007f5945791000)]
  0x00007f59c03d9000 JavaThread "AWT-XAWT" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3184, stack(0x00007f5984f30000,0x00007f5985031000)]
  0x00007f59c03bb000 JavaThread "Java2D Disposer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3183, stack(0x00007f5985441000,0x00007f5985542000)]
  0x00007f59c00e8000 JavaThread "Service Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3181, stack(0x00007f5987eec000,0x00007f5987fed000)]
  0x00007f59c00cc800 JavaThread "C1 CompilerThread3" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3180, stack(0x00007f5987fee000,0x00007f59880ee000)]
  0x00007f59c00ca800 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread2" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3179, stack(0x00007f59880ef000,0x00007f59881ef000)]
  0x00007f59c00c8800 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3178, stack(0x00007f59881f0000,0x00007f59882f0000)]
  0x00007f59c00c5800 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3177, stack(0x00007f59882f1000,0x00007f59883f1000)]
  0x00007f59c00c0800 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3176, stack(0x00007f59883f1000,0x00007f59884f2000)]
  0x00007f59c008e000 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3175, stack(0x00007f5988ec1000,0x00007f5988fc2000)]
  0x00007f59c008b800 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3174, stack(0x00007f5988fc2000,0x00007f59890c3000)]
=>0x00007f59c000b000 JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_native, id=3164, stack(0x00007f59c8829000,0x00007f59c8929000)]

Other Threads:
  0x00007f59c0081800 VMThread [stack: 0x00007f59890c4000,0x00007f59891c4000] [id=3173]
  0x00007f59c00ea800 WatcherThread [stack: 0x00007f5987dec000,0x00007f5987eec000] [id=3182]

VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)

VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None

heap address: 0x00000005cbc00000, size: 8004 MB, Compressed Oops mode: Zero based, Oop shift amount: 3
Narrow klass base: 0x0000000000000000, Narrow klass shift: 3
Compressed class space size: 1073741824 Address: 0x00000007c0000000

 PSYoungGen      total 150016K, used 12902K [0x0000000719400000, 0x000000072b900000, 0x00000007c0000000)
  eden space 129024K, 10% used [0x0000000719400000,0x000000071a099b10,0x0000000721200000)
  from space 20992K, 0% used [0x0000000721200000,0x0000000721200000,0x0000000722680000)
  to   space 20992K, 0% used [0x000000072a480000,0x000000072a480000,0x000000072b900000)
 ParOldGen       total 228864K, used 10413K [0x00000005cbc00000, 0x00000005d9b80000, 0x0000000719400000)
  object space 228864K, 4% used [0x00000005cbc00000,0x00000005cc62b448,0x00000005d9b80000)
 Metaspace       used 21651K, capacity 21886K, committed 22320K, reserved 1069056K
  class space    used 2532K, capacity 2646K, committed 2688K, reserved 1048576K

Card table byte_map: [0x00007f59c4552000,0x00007f59c54f5000] byte_map_base: 0x00007f59c16f4000

Marking Bits: (ParMarkBitMap*) 0x00007f59c7cc7720
 Begin Bits: [0x00007f59905e0000, 0x00007f59982f0000)
 End Bits:   [0x00007f59982f0000, 0x00007f59a0000000)

Polling page: 0x00007f59c8945000

CodeCache: size=245760Kb used=4810Kb max_used=4810Kb free=240949Kb
 bounds [0x00007f59b1000000, 0x00007f59b14c0000, 0x00007f59c0000000]
 total_blobs=2067 nmethods=1390 adapters=590
 compilation: enabled

Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 1.145 Thread 0x00007f59c00cc800 1387   !   3       sun.misc.Resource::getBytes (242 bytes)
Event: 1.147 Thread 0x00007f59c00cc800 nmethod 1387 0x00007f59b14a92d0 code [0x00007f59b14a95c0, 0x00007f59b14aaf08]
Event: 1.147 Thread 0x00007f59c00cc800 1386   !   3 (81 bytes)
Event: 1.147 Thread 0x00007f59c00cc800 nmethod 1386 0x00007f59b14abbd0 code [0x00007f59b14abe00, 0x00007f59b14ac9b8]
Event: 1.147 Thread 0x00007f59c00cc800 1388       3<init> (40 bytes)
Event: 1.147 Thread 0x00007f59c00cc800 nmethod 1388 0x00007f59b14aced0 code [0x00007f59b14ad060, 0x00007f59b14ad488]
Event: 1.155 Thread 0x00007f59c00cc800 1389       3       org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS::ascii (49 bytes)
Event: 1.156 Thread 0x00007f59c00cc800 nmethod 1389 0x00007f59b14b2010 code [0x00007f59b14b21a0, 0x00007f59b14b2688]
Event: 1.156 Thread 0x00007f59c00cc800 1390       3 (136 bytes)
Event: 1.157 Thread 0x00007f59c00cc800 nmethod 1390 0x00007f59b14b2890 code [0x00007f59b14b2a80, 0x00007f59b14b3ac8]

GC Heap History (4 events):
Event: 1.060 GC heap before

Comme le N131ZU est doté d'un écran 3K (QHD+) et que les messages semblent concerner l'interface graphique, j'ai eu l'idée d'aller dans les Paramètres système / Affichage pour sélectionner et appliquer une résolution Full HD (1920x1080 px) et VaudTax2019 fonctionne parfaitement!.

Comme tous les autres logiciels installés sur cette machine fonctionnent, j'imagine qu'il s'agit d'un bug de VaudTax2019. Un bug qui m'a encore fait perdre 2 heures. Mais je suis assez fier d'avoir imaginé ce work around...

laptop why! NV41MZ, Intel Core i7-1165G7, RAM 16 Gb, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Hors ligne


#4 05 Feb 2020 17:37:00

François Marthaler
Lieu: Prilly
Date d'inscription: 07 Sep 2013
Messages: 2978
Site web

Re: [Résolu] Installation de VaudTax 2019 sur Ubuntu 18.04


Pour tenter d'identifier l'origine du problème, je viens d'installer VaudTax2019 sur une N131ZU et tout fonctionne parfaitement même avec une définition en 3K (3200x1800 px).

J'ignore ce qui s'est passé avec la machine de notre client sur laquelle VaudTax2019 crashe lorsqu'on est en 3K.

Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait une idée en lisant les rapports d'erreur?


laptop why! NV41MZ, Intel Core i7-1165G7, RAM 16 Gb, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Hors ligne


#5 08 Apr 2020 12:16:47

Date d'inscription: 12 Feb 2020
Messages: 1

Re: [Résolu] Installation de VaudTax 2019 sur Ubuntu 18.04

Je n'arrive pas à ouvrir les documents "Pages" que je reçois.
Que faire?
Merci et bonne journée

Hors ligne


#6 08 Apr 2020 22:43:21

François Marthaler
Lieu: Prilly
Date d'inscription: 07 Sep 2013
Messages: 2978
Site web

Re: [Résolu] Installation de VaudTax 2019 sur Ubuntu 18.04

La question ne me semble pas en lien avec VaudTax 2019. Merci d'ouvrir une nouvelle discussion et d'être plus précise.

On ne sait pas ce que vous voulez dire par documents "Pages". Dans quelle application (Thunderbird, Firefox, autre...) se trouvent ces documents? N'ont-ils pas une extension (.pdf, .docx, autre...)?


laptop why! NV41MZ, Intel Core i7-1165G7, RAM 16 Gb, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Hors ligne


#7 06 May 2020 22:30:10

François Marthaler
Lieu: Prilly
Date d'inscription: 07 Sep 2013
Messages: 2978
Site web

Re: [Résolu] Installation de VaudTax 2019 sur Ubuntu 18.04


Je découvre avec une grande satisfaction que l'Administration cantonale des impôts a publié un nouveau guide pour l'utilisation de VaudTax sous Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) auquel on accède via un lien depuis la page VaudTax 2019:


Systèmes d'exploitation : Ubuntu 18.10 et Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (32 et 64 bits).

Une machine virtuelle Java 8 doit être installée (OpenJDK Java 8 Runtime), ainsi que la bibliothèque de moteur de rendu de pages web pour GTK+ (libwebkitgtk-1.0-0).

Pour plus d'information vous pouvez consulter notre Guide d'installation de VaudTax sur Ubuntu (pdf, 798 Ko) (PDF, 353 Ko).

Aucun support technique n'est assuré par l'Administration cantonale des impôts pour les autres distributions de Linux.

A priori, cela me semble correct, mais je ne suis pas en mesure de tester la chose étant sous Ubuntu 16.04 et ayant déjà installé VaudTax 2019 sans problème...

laptop why! NV41MZ, Intel Core i7-1165G7, RAM 16 Gb, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Hors ligne


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