Vous n'êtes pas identifié.
Je possède un petit réseau qui est composé de 3 Pc :
* Un serveur 2000 (ip
* Une station XP (ip
* Suse 9.2 (2 cartes réseau; une pour dsl0, l'autre ip
Toutes les cartes ont le même masque sauf dsl :
Je voudrai avoir la Suse comme passerelle et firewall, et que les deux autres puisse se connecter et récupérer les mails.
Je suis arrivé en sorte que tous les Pc se "pinguent", et que la Suse puisse surfer. Mais je suis bloqué pour las autres. XP & 2000 ne possèdent pas de firewall (désactivé).
J'ai essayé la procédure qui a été donnée dans le message, mais je n'obtiens rien. Les commandes ont été entrées en root sous la console.
Si quelqu'un peut m'aider, il serait le bienvenue. Merci d'avance
Totom 7
Hors ligne
Dans la procédure de l'autre post, tu as bien sur remplacé ppp0 par dsl0, n'est-ce pas ? As-tu aussi configuré le serveur et la station Windows pour utiliser comme passerelle ? Et entré les adresses des serveurs DNS de ton fournisseur d'accès dans ceux-ci, ou installé un serveur DNS local sur la passerelle ?
Le résultat des commades suivantes pourrait nous aider a diagnostiquer le problème:
#> ifconfig -a #> route -n #> iptables -L #> cat /etc/resolv.conf
et sur une des machines Windows:
route print ipconfig /all
Hors ligne
Si cela peut t'aider (juste pour info), j'ai configuré les DNS de du poste client XP avec les DNS gérées par le DHCP de ma SuSE (et non pas les DNS de mon FAI ou autre).
Des fois j'ai aussi des problèmes différents, l'important c'est que ca soit linux qui gère le réseau. J'ai remarqué que si XP fourre son nez et commence à prendre en charge le réseau, cela pose quelques problèmes.
Hors ligne
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.
Je vais essayer.
Merci encore.
Hors ligne
ifconfig -a
dsl0 Lien encap:Protocole Point-à-POint
inet adr: P-t-P: Masque:
eth0: Lien encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:05:5D:0E:11:D4
adr inet6: fe80::205:5dff:fe0e:11d4/64 Scope:Lien
eth1: Lien encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:DA:41:12:25
inet adr: Bcas: Masque:
lo Lien encap:Boucle locale
INET ADR: Masque
sit0 Lien encap: IPv6-dans-IPv4
route -n
Destination Passerelle GenMask Iface dsl0 eth1 eth1 lo dsl0
linux:/home/totom # iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
input_ext all -- anywhere anywhere
input_int all -- anywhere anywhere
LOG all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-IN-ILL-TARGET '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere
Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
target prot opt source destination
TCPMSS tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp flags:SYN,RST/SYN TCPMSS clamp to PMTU
TCPMSS tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp flags:SYN,RST/SYN TCPMSS clamp to PMTU
forward_ext all -- anywhere anywhere
forward_int all -- anywhere anywhere
LOG all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWD-ILL-ROUTING '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere
Chain OUTPUT (policy DROP)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp time-exceeded LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-OUT-TRACERT-ATTEMPT '
DROP icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp time-exceeded
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp fragmentation-needed
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp network-prohibited
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp host-prohibited
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp communication-prohibited
DROP icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp destination-unreachable
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED
LOG all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-OUT-ERROR '
Chain forward_dmz (0 references)
target prot opt source destination
LOG all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 state INVALID LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDdmz-DROP-DEFLT-INV '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere state INVALID
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED icmpdestination-unreachable
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp echo-reply
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix`SFW2-FWDdmz-DROP-DEFLT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp source-quench LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDdmz-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp redirect LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDdmz-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp echo-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDdmz-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp timestamp-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDdmz-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp address-mask-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix`SFW2-FWDdmz-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp type 2 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDdmz-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG udp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDdmz-DROP-DEFLT '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere
Chain forward_ext (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
LOG all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 state INVALID LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDext-DROP-DEFLT-INV '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere state INVALID
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED icmpdestination-unreachable
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp echo-reply
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix`SFW2-FWDext-DROP-DEFLT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp source-quench LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDext-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp redirect LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDext-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp echo-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDext-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp timestamp-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDext-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp address-mask-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix`SFW2-FWDext-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp type 2 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDext-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG udp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDext-DROP-DEFLT '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere
Chain forward_int (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
LOG all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 state INVALID LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDint-DROP-DEFLT-INV '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere state INVALID
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED icmpdestination-unreachable
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp echo-reply
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix`SFW2-FWDint-DROP-DEFLT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp source-quench LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDint-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp redirect LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDint-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp echo-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDint-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp timestamp-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDint-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp address-mask-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix`SFW2-FWDint-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp type 2 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDint-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG udp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-FWDint-DROP-DEFLT '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere
Chain input_dmz (0 references)
target prot opt source destination
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere PKTTYPE = broadcast
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp source-quench
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp echo-request
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp echo-reply
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp destination-unreachable
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp time-exceeded
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp parameter-problem
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp timestamp-reply
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp address-mask-reply
LOG all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 state INVALID LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP-DEFLT-INV '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere state INVALID
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:ssh flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:sunrpc flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:sunrpc flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:ipp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ipp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:ssh flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:ssh flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:sunrpc flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:sunrpc flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:sunrpc flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:sunrpc flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:ipp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ipp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:ipp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ipp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix`SFW2-INdmz-DROP-DEFLT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp source-quench LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp redirect LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp echo-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp timestamp-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp address-mask-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix`SFW2-INdmz-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp type 2 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG udp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INdmz-DROP-DEFLT '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere
Chain input_ext (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere PKTTYPE = broadcast
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp source-quench
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp echo-request
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp echo-reply
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp destination-unreachable
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp time-exceeded
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp parameter-problem
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp timestamp-reply
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp address-mask-reply
LOG all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 state INVALID LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP-DEFLT-INV '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere state INVALID
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:http flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-ACC-TCP '
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:http
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:https flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-ACC-TCP '
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:https
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:microsoft-ds flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-ACC-TCP '
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:microsoft-ds
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:netbios-dgm flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-ACC-TCP '
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:netbios-dgm
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:netbios-ns flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-ACC-TCP '
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:netbios-ns
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:netbios-ssn flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-ACC-TCP '
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:netbios-ssn
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:pop3 flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-ACC-TCP '
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:pop3
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:smtp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-ACC-TCP '
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:smtp
reject_func tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ident state NEW
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:ssh flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:sunrpc flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:sunrpc flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:ipp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ipp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:ssh flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:ssh flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:sunrpc flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:sunrpc flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:sunrpc flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:sunrpc flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:ipp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ipp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp dpt:ipp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP '
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ipp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix`SFW2-INext-DROP-DEFLT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp source-quench LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp redirect LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp echo-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp timestamp-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp address-mask-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix`SFW2-INext-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp type 2 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG udp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INext-DROP-DEFLT '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere
Chain input_int (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp source-quench
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp echo-request
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp echo-reply
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp destination-unreachable
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp time-exceeded
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp parameter-problem
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp timestamp-reply
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED icmp address-mask-reply
LOG all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 state INVALID LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INint-DROP-DEFLT-INV '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere state INVALID
LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 tcp flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix`SFW2-INint-DROP-DEFLT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp source-quench LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INint-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp redirect LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INint-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp echo-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INint-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp timestamp-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INint-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp address-mask-request LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix`SFW2-INint-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 icmp type 2 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INint-DROP-ICMP-CRIT '
LOG udp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG level warning tcp-options ip-options prefix `SFW2-INint-DROP-DEFLT '
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere
Chain reject_func (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
REJECT tcp -- anywhere anywhere reject-with tcp-reset
REJECT udp -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
REJECT all -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-proto-unreachable
Voici pour la partie Linux et maintenant pour une station Windows.
ipconfig /all
Carte Ethernet:
Suffixe DNS propre à la connexion :
Description : Carte Ethernet 3Com
Adresse Physiqeu:00-10-4B-96-5C-6D
DHCP activé : NON
Adresse IP:
SErveurs DNS :
Destination Masque Passerelle Interface
Passerelle par défaut
Merci de votre aide et je m'excuse pour la longueur de ce post.
Hors ligne
Veuiller m'excuser pour les adresses ip qui sont collées l'une à l'autre, mais lorsque que j'ai tapé le message elles étaient séparées.
Je suis désolé.
Hors ligne